Judul Asli : THE
By Neil Gordon
Copyright © Lock Bets, Inc., 2003
Published in Penguin Books 2004
Cover design by Joe Montgomery
Cover photography by Wally McNamee / Corbis (left), Alice
Attie / Nonstock (right)
Total page : 408 ; book edition [ Goodreads ]
Rate : 3,5
[ this review is written as a request from the publisher in
Indonesia | written In Bahasa Indonesia and English ]
Kisah ini dibuka dengan sebuah surel yang dikirimkan oleh
seorang ayah terhadap putrinya, yang telah sekian tahun hidup terpisah dan tak
saling berhubungan. Semula ada sedikit kebingungan dalam menelaah
halaman-halaman awal kisah ini. Terutama ketika membaca sinopsis kisah, yang
menggambarkan kisah tentang pelarian sosok yang merupakan tersangka pelaku
pembunuhan dan terlibat dalam organisasi radikal di masa 20 tahun silam.
Kemudian secara perlahan, mulai terbentuk sebuah gambaran, tentang apa
sebenarnya kisah dibalik terputusnya hubungan seorang ayah dan putrinya, serta
masa lalu yang kelam, menyangkut dunia politik serta propaganda yang menelan
banyak korban.
James Marshal Grant, seorang pengacara di Albany, New
York, hidup berdua dengan putrinya Isabel ketika sebuah peristiwa yang terlihat
tidak berkaitan dengan kehidupannya, justru menjadi titik tolak yang
menjungkir-balikkan kehidupannya. Dimulai dengan sebuah berita tentang
penahanan wanita bernama Sharon Solarz – yang merupakan buronan sekian tahun,
tersangka pelaku perampokan bank yang menewaskan salah satu penjaga pada tahun
1974. Nama Sharon juga terkenal karena ia merupakan anggota kelompok radikal
anti peperangan di tahun 1966, yang dikenal sebagai kelompok Weather
Underground. Kelompok ini telah melakukan perusakan serta pemboman di berbagai
properti pemerintahan sebagai salah aksi protes mereka. Dan pada peristiwa
perampokan tersebut, salah satu pelaku tertangkap, sedangkan ketiga
komplotannya menghilang tanpa jejak, hingga salah satunya : Sharon muncul dan
tertangkap, 20 tahun kemudian.
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Kemudian terjadi keanehan, James menghilang tanpa jejak
bersama putrinya. Semula semua kenalannya menduga ia sengaja melarikan diri
dari tuntutan hukum yang dilancarkan oleh istrinya, yang menuntut hak asuh
sepenuhnya terhadap putri mereka yang berusia 11 tahun. Namun seorang wartawan
muda bernama Benjamin Schulberg, melihat kejanggalan pada peristiwa ini dan
akhirnya mengungkap rahasia dibalik pelarian James Grant. Ia melarikan diri
karena nama aslinya adalah Jason Sinai – salah satu anggota Weather Underground
dan tersangka pelaku perampokan bank di tahun 1974 tersebut. Maka dimulaih
pencarian besar-besaran pada diri Jason Sinai, dari pihak berwajib hingga
Benjamin yang bertekad menuliskan berita besar tentang tertangkapnya salah satu
buronan paling dicari di Amerika. Namun Jason lenyap, meninggalkan jejak-jejak
palsu yang mengecoh pihak-pihak yang mencarinya. Hingga suatu hari, di saat semua
pihak mulai putus asa, terjadi keanehan lain yang membawa mereka pada jejak
Jason Sinai.
Dari satu adegan menuju adegan lain, ketegangan serta
rasa penasaran mengiringi kisah ini. Apa sebenarnya yang hendak direncanakan oleh
Jason ? Mengapa ia justru mengambil langkah-langkah yang tak diduga oleh
pihak-pihak yang mencarinya ? Sepanjang perjalanan pelarian Jason dari satu
tempat ke tempat lain, berbagai pertanyaan yang menyelubungi benak semenjak
awal kisah mulai terjawab, namun disertai konsekuensi, muncul pertanyaan baru
yang tak kalah rumitnya. Ibarat sebuah lukisan raksasa, yang dipecah menjadi
pecahan puzzle yang sangat kecil dan tak beraturan, maka dibutuhkan kesabaran
serta konsentrasi penuh guna memahami dan menyusun satu demi satu petunjuk yang
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Sedikit hambatan yang terjadi, disebabkan karena penulis
membuat format yang cukup janggal dalam menyampaikan keseluruhan kisah ini.
Alih-alih menulis dalam kisah suspense, beliau justru membuat seperti kisah
drama, berupa rangkaian surel yang bercerita tentang peristiwa serta kejadian
di masa lalu. Sang penerima surel adalah Isabel Montgomery yang telah berusia
17 tahun, dan pengirimnya sebuah kelompok yang menamakan diri mereka ‘The
Committee’ – yang terdiri dari sang ayah James Grant / Jason Sinai, sang
wartawan Benjamin Schulberg, kekasih James : Molly Sackler, dan beberapa
karakter lain yang cukup banyak. Semuanya memegang peran penting atau paling
tidak kehidupan mereka bersinggungan dengan awal mula peristiwa yang berbuntut
pada kejadian di masa 1966. Sehingga pada awal-awal kisah, kesan membosankan
sekaligus membingungkan, nyaris menghentikan penyelesaian pembacaan kisah ini.
Ditambah dengan berbagai topik seputar dunia politik yang
terjadi di Amerika di era tahun 1960-an, saat Amerika melakukan propaganda
menghapus Komunisme dengan melancarkan serangkaian peperangan di kawasan Asia,
mulai dari Perang Vietnam hingga Kamboja, hingga kebijakan serta skandal besar
yang berimbas pada Perang Dingin yang berkepanjangan. Meski sejarah merupakan
topik yang cukup menarik untuk disimak, namun penulis tampak terbentur pada
terlalu banyak topik yang hendak disampaikan, hingga tiada kesan khusus yang
menarik perhatian, selain bagai mengurai benang kusut yang terjalin di
sana-sini. Selain faktor tersebut, kisah ini layak untuk disimak lebih jauh,
dan menjelang pertengahan hingga akhir, berbagai misteri mulai terpecahkan, dan
sungguh menakjubkan bagaimana penulis membawa kisah ala drama keluarga menjadi
sebuah konspirasi yang melibatkan banyak oknum yang tak terduga. Kisah ini juga
menarik perhatian Robert Redford, hingga beliau melakukan adaptasi ke layar
lebar, sekaligus berperan sebagai Jason Sinai, berhadapan dengan Shia LaBeouf
sebagai Benjamin Schulberg dan penyanyi cilik Jackie Evancho sebagai Isabel
Grant / Montgomery. Filmnya direncanakan akan rilis di Amerika pada tanggal 5
April 2013.
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My Random Though :
When I first read the preview of this book, I’m thinking
the story about running aroud fugitive – wanted by laws while he also had
obligation for his family (remind me a little bit the movie played by Harrison
Ford and Tommy Lee Jones called ‘The Fugitive’), but instead having a
suspense-thriller story, my impression on the first chapter are quite confuse
and boring. It’s open with a long e-mail by a father to his daughter, who
appearently did not stays together or has been separated for a long time. Then
follow by several others e-mail, also send it to this daughter (her named
Isabel Montgomery, age seventeen, live in London, England), with different
names, different person. After several pages, then I begin ‘starting’ quite
understood about the relationships between all those characters, who tells a
different stories to Isabel, trying to explain some incident happens almost ten
years ago, that also had influence by the history of the past – happends on
twenty years ago from the last ten years on the current event (quite confusing
Reading this book really need a little-bit passion on
some consentration, ‘cause not every characters ‘sticks’ on the basis facts,
while told a stories that happens years ago. Some of them just cut to the main
facts, some of them doing ‘nostalgia’ about the past (like reading some letter
from old folks, telling their memories of the past). Not the mention so many
things and topics coming-crossed in this e-mail, so it’s important to collect
and build the ‘big-picture’ from pieces of this puzzles. Aside from too many
information and the topics of the culture and politics happen on America around
1960, this story finally got my attention in the middle through the end of the
story (yes, be passion while reading the first pages).
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The main story is about a man named James Marshal Grant –
a lawyer living in Albany, New York with his daughter Isabel (she is a around
ten or eleven). James was a good man, love and caring for his daughter, raise
her by him self since his wife Julia Montgomery, had sent back to his father
Senator Montgomery for healing and recovering from her drug-addiction. Then on
the year 1996, something happen that changing their whole life. Start with the
conversation between James and his client Billy Cusimano – a big drugs delear,
who had been on the ‘secret-monitoring’ by FBI. This conversation that mention
somebody name : Sharon Solarz – most wanted fugitive as the terrorist from the
radical group back on 1966, called ‘the Weather Underground’. FBI using this ‘illegal-information’ to find Sharon,
and capture her after several years on the run and hiding.
Then James Grant missing !! He running away with his
daughter, no one knows where he is, not even his girlfriend. Everybody first
thinks he running away ‘cause Julia action, she sued her husband to fight in
court for custody of their daughter. His action, may consider as a kidnaping
his own daughter. But while the police searching him for this battler of
custody, there’s another person who thinks his runaway rather suspicious. This
person are young reporter, Benjamin Schulberg, and he the one who find the real
reason why James Grant running away. It had something to do with Sharon Solarz,
‘cause James Grant actually Jason Sinai – another fugitive on the robbery in
1974 who killed innocent person. Sharon, Jason and other person Mimi Lurie is a
member of Weather Underground – the radical antiwar group, who done several
treats on government property.
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Now the story got heated when James / Jason had a lot to
take, trying to safe his daughter life from her drug-abuse-mother, but also has
to run for his life. This man had already escape back then, hiding and got new
identity, he is a master on living a fugitive. But then his next action, makes
everyone confuse, no one understood what is his mind, what he planning to do.
Then all the suddenly, everybody who involve in what happen twenty years ago,
one by one appears on the surface. The one who still hiding, had been pursue by
Jason, ‘cause he need many help to save his life, and his family he love. The
secret that had been hidden deep, avoiding and breaking the laws, conspiracy in
higher places, makes this story got intense and eye-opening until the end.
One thing I feels a bit annoying, too much details and
information on the politics, antiwar protest, government policy and the act of
killing (America’s war on several Asia’s country, like in Vietnam, Cambodia,
and others), well --- it’s not interest me much, maybe ‘cause is happen on the
year way back before I even born. So I’m not interesting ‘cause I don’t quite
understood the topics well enough, and so many description on those all over
the story. But if those long dialog maybe cut or deleted (in my case, I just
skip it until the next page), it’s gonna be interesting story. I also hear that
the movie adaptation gonna be around this year. Produce and played by Robert Redford
(my idol *grin*) as James Grant / Jason Sinai and collaborate with Shia LaBeouf
as Benjamin Schulberg and little Jackie Evancho as Isabel ... I just can
imagine how interesting it’s gonna be
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About the author :
Neil Gordon was born in South Africa in 1958. He holds a
Ph.D. in French literature from Yale University, worked for many years at The New York Review of Books, and is
currently the literary editor at The
Boston Review and on the faculty of Eugene Lang College at the New School
University. His journalism has appeared in Tin
House, Tricycle, and Salon and he
reviews regularly for The New York Times
Book Review and other periodicals. He is the author of two previous novels,
Sacrifice of Isaac and The Gunrunner’s Daughter.
[ more about the author, book, and related adaptations,
check on here : The Company You Keep | Neil Gordon's Books | Movies Adaptation | The Company You Keep (2012) ]
This post reblogged from my blog : HobbyBuku's Mystery Stories
Best Regards,
* Hobby Buku *
Buku ini sudah ada edisi dalam bahasa Indonesia belum?
ReplyDeleteTertarik pengen baca xD
im waiting for the germany language... i already finish my study
ReplyDeletewaw menegangkan, udah baca setengahnya sih
ReplyDeleteWow kyknya keren nih :3