Copyright © 2014 by
Jamie McGuire
Cover art © 2014 by
Tony Mauro
Published by Atria
Paperback | a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
First edition in
paperback, July 2014 | 320 p | ISBN 978-1-4767-5958-6
Rate : 3.5 of 5
~ Conclusion in
Bahasa Indonesia at the bottom post ~
Still remember the
Maddox boys : Thomas, Taylor, Tyler, Trenton, Travis from ‘Beautiful Disaster’
? How those boys grew-up without their loving mother, Dianne Maddox who dies
from cancer, and becoming such troubleing kids until they all finally got their
own stories regarding the path they each choose for future. After the story of weird
relationship between Travis Maddox and Abby Abbernathy, who going back-and-forward
in the those series, now is time for another Maddox’s, none other than Trenton
Maddox – who also appears several occasion in those stories. Just like Travis –
the younger of Maddox’s boys, Trenton often got a lot of attention from girls,
and he seems enjoying the crowned. As good looking and attractive man, all his
sign are label by ‘bad-boy’ not the mention all tattoes all over his body ... ‘coz
he also work at the tattooshop. Trenton suppose to in college too, but he
drop-out formal education after tragic accident involving him and his friend –
who not so lucky getting out alive. Trenton becoming changes person after those
incident, and now one know what got into him until someone got his attention
after such long time ...